This is what our clients have to say ...
We have decided to keep the following messages in as we received them from our clients rather than changing the wording or spelling. These are just a few of the clients that Titanium Studio help on a daily basis.
Hi TiStudio, I hope you had a good weekend. Thanks for the ring - it is stunning :) Kindest, Jo-Anne (Ballito, Durban)
Dear TiStudio, thank you for your service! I have taken delivery of my ring. I like it very much. Keep well. Kojo (Fourways, Johannesburg)
Hi TiStudio, Dankie – ek het die ring ontvang en hy lyk baie mooi!Groete,Jan (Rustenburg)
Hi TiStudio, Thank you so much for the ring it is perfect. Thank you for the excellent service.Have a lovely day, Karen (Newcastle)
Hi TiStudio, It looks great. Thanks again for all the trouble to get it right. Have a great day!Thanks, Terri (Pinetown, Durban)
Hi TiStudio, We just got the ring - thanks so much. Have a lovely day, Geraldine (Risidale, Johannesburg)
Hi TiStudio, Baie dankie vir die ring, dit is baie mooi! En ons is baie tevrede!Groete, Henrico (Wierde Valley, Sandton)
Thank you, thank you. The ring is perfect and it was a pleasure dealing with you.Kindest regards, Linette (Nelspruit, Mphumalanga)
Hi. I received my almost husband's ring, I am over the moon happy with your work! Thank you very much.Regards, Chantel (Auckland Park, Johannesburg)
Good morning Titanium Studio, I received the ring. It is of superior quality! Thank-you for your excellent service. Regards, Sedick (Claremont, Cape Town)
Good morning, Titanium Studio. Just to thank you once again for my ring that you made and had delivered last week, looks amazing. Kind regards, Stephan (Potchefstroom)
More Titanium Studio, Ek wil asseblief tog net verskriklik vreeslik dankie se vir al jou moeite met die ring. Jacques is MAL daaroor. En hy pas perfek. My ring is baie fyntjies met klomp klein diamantjies op. Ek dink mens kan die mooiste fotos neem met so n fyn ringetjie en dan die manlike hout kontrasterende ring. Oooee, ek kan nou nie meer wag nie. Weereens dankie vir jou moeite. Ek sal jou voorstel vir almal wat ek ken wat trou of net n mans ring soek.
Groete, Lelanie (Midrand, Johannesburg)
Hi Titanium Studio, I just like to express my gratitude for the ring we received on Friday. My husband lovessssssss it. He is crazy about the design and keeps staring at it, thanks a million!! Thanks for getting the ring to us on Friday. Much appreciated, hope you have a great festive season and happy new year.
Kindest Regards, Jeanne-Mare (Newtown, Johannesburg)
Thank you so much Titanium Studio!! You guys are fantastic! Regards, Ari (Johannesburg)
Thanks so much for your help! Great service :)
Lu-Mae (Middelburg, Mpumalanga)
Hi Titanium Studio, Ek hoop dit gaan goed? Ryno sê jy is toe ook al die tyd Afrikaans...en hier email ons heeltyd in Engels :) Nogmaals baie dankie vir Ryno se ring - dit is 100% presies wat hy wou gehad het! Hy wil dit sommer nou al dra...
Lekker dag, Esté (Vereeniging)
Hi, Thank you, I received the ring, it's absolutely amazing... Kind Regards, Sheryn Wilkinson (Kensington, Johannesburg)
Good afternoon! I have received my partner's ring and it looks AMAZING! Thank you so much for your excellent workmanship!
Kind regards, Therine Hattingh (Bryanston, Johannesburg)
Hello TiStudio, just want to say thank you so much for the ring it is stunning. Pleasure doing business with you.Kind Regards. Karlie (Alberton, Johannesburg)
Thank you so much. I wanted to compliment you on your great work on the black Titanium ring, the customer was very happy, thank you. Regards, Allan (Bloemfontein, Freestate)
Hi Titanium Studio, Thank you so so much for my ring. It is beautiful and so awesome. I will be ordering more in the near future.
Kind Regards, Kerry Gray (Benoni, Johannesburg)
Hi Titanium Studio, I just wanted to send you a small thanks. All went well and Sandra said yes whoo hoo. She absolutely loved the rings they were exactly what i wanted cause they are exactly the kind of thing we love. Attached pic of the rings before we put them on. Thanks again i know the timescale was challenging but you really came through for us.
Dave and Sandra. (Fourways, Johannesburg)
Hi Titanium Studio, Baie dankie vir die ring ek is seker my man gaan mal wees daaroor dit is regtig besonders en baie mooi.
Lekker dag verder. Zenelle (Midrand, Johannesburg)
Dear Titanium Studio, I would like to thank you for the speedy service and the ring is perfect! If you ever need a recommendation, please let me know and I will be happy to send one. Thanks so much! Kindest regards, Tanya (Linbro Park, Johannesburg)
Hi Titanium Studio, I hope you are well. I just wanted to say thank you for your impeccable service and follow up on the ring which you had remade for my wife. It is now the perfect size and the engraving is of a much higher standard. Your refusal to accept less than a good quality product is testament to why you have succeeded with the business and I would definitely recommend your services to anyone else. Thank you again and all the best for 2015. Kind regards, Cheryl (Randburg, Johannesburg)
Baie dankie! Ons het die ring gekry en dit is perfek!! :D (Eastgate, Johanneburg)
Hallo Titanium Studio. Baie baie dankie ek het die ring gekry. Hy is so mooi!! Ek is baie tevrede. Dit nog nie aan Stephan se vinger kon toets nie so ek stres nog daaroor maar ek glo dit sal pas.
Lekker naweek hou. Truia (Bloemfontein)
Hi Titanium Studio. Trust you are well. I just want to thank you so much for our rings. It fits perfectly and looks gorgeous. It's much appreciated. You have a very happy client.
Kind regards, Ramona (Wetton, Cape Town)
Hi there, Thank you for your great service and a gorgeous ring! Kind regards, Monique (Westdene, Bloemfontein)
Got it!!!! I love! Thank you so much for your quick turnaround time and assistance. I will definitely recommend your services to friends and colleagues. Kind regards, Kagiso (Sandton)
Hi TiStudio. Ek het gister my Batman ring gekry.... Ek absoluut LOVE dit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baie baie dankie daarvoor!!
Groete, Thys (Richards Bay, Kwazulu Natal)
Hi TiStudio, Thank you so much the ring has just arrived. I am absolutely thrilled with it. Once again thanks, now just have to get Derek to try it on to make sure it fits.
Kindest regards, Jess (Sundowner, Johannesburg)
Goeie More. Hoop als gaan goed. Wil net baie dankie se vir al jou moeite ek gaan beslis jou werk vir almal wys wat ek ken. Dankie so baie vir al die ring ek is super excited om dit vir my man te wys vanaand. Ons sal julle defnitief weer ondersteun in die toekoms. Geseende dag vir jou. Vriendelike Groete, Clarissa (Kameeldrif, Pretoria)
BAIE BAIE DANKIE vir my verloofde se ring...dis absoluut perfek! En die wonderlike diens reg deur. Was n plesier om met jul besigheid te doen. Odette (Queensburgh, Durban)
The ring is utterly beautiful!! thank you you so much! WE are so happy!!!!!!!! Thank you again :) Amanta (Wynberg, Cape Town)
Good day TiStudio. I would like to thank you for the excellent work on my ring, although I was not allowed to see it I had a quick look. The ring fits perfectly and looks exactly like we planned it to be. I can’t wait for the ring to build up its character. If I ever need another ring, I know where to go.
Regards, Grant & Alche (Halfway House, Midrand)
Hi TiStudio, Ek het die ring ontvang en wil net baie dankie sê vir die goeie diens wat jy gelewer het. Ek waardeer dit regtig baie en is baie gelukkig met die ring.
Groete, Carien (Kimberley)
Hi TiStudio, Ek het net een woord en dit is WOW. Ek weet ek was ‘n baie skeptiese kliënt, en deksels moeilik daar by ook, maar jy was briljant. Nooit was jy te besig vir ‘n epos of oproep nie!! Dankie vir elke bietjie moeite wat julle in gesit het met daardie pragtige ring!! Ek sal julle besigheid “promote” so ver ek gaan!! Julle diens was puik! Alles het seep glad verloop, en met soveel deursigtigheid, dankie daarvoor. Mag julle besigheid in die toekoms nog net sterker groei!!
Groete, Jaco Wessels !!!!!!!! WEEREENS ONMENSLIKE BAIE DANKIE VIR ALLES!!!!!!!!! (Franschhoek, Western Cape)
Hi Titanium Studio. I just want to thank you for everything! Your company's service was efficient and fast, both of you were very friendly and awesome to work with! I received my ring last week and it's exactly what I discussed with you. I really like it, I'm very happy, and I'm excited to start wearing it from next week Saturday on my wedding day!!! Thanks so much once again! I will recommend your company to anyone else!
Kind Regards, Wesley. (Craigavon, Johannesburg)
Hi Titanium Studio, I thought I should just thank you for your great service. It's awesome to have someone be so friendly and communicate properly with me. After the last ring company I dealt with, you have been a breath of fresh air and I appreciate it. We're quite excited to see the end results.
Regards, Glen (Modderfontein, Johannesburg)